the incorrput body of St. Josaphat entombed in St. Peter's basilica,
the martyr of Christian Unity is buried in the basilica dedicated to the Apostle that Christ desired to unite Christians under,
"You are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my Church."
For the unity of Christians:
Let us pray:for all our brothers and sisters
who share our faith in Jesus Christ,
that God may gather and keep together in one Church
all those who seek the truth with sincerity.
Almighty and eternal God,
you keep together all those you have united.
Look kindly on all who follow Jesus you Son.
We are all consecrated to you by our common baptism.
Make us one in the fullness of faith,
and keep us one in the fellowship of love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
R. Amen.
(from the solemn petitions of Good Friday)
On the night before he died, Christ, himself, prayed, That they might all be one. In this prayer he desired to draw all men into one Church. Today's saint, Josaphat, responded to the Lord's desire for Christian unity. This angered those who prefer to go their own way, and Josaphat was killed by a mob.
Pray for the unity of all Christians.
St. Josaphat...
...Pray for us