Thursday, December 23, 2010

O Emmanuel - O God with Us

English translation:
O Emmanuel (God with us), our King and our Lawgiver,
the expectation of the Gentiles and their Saviour:
Come! to save us, O Lord, our God.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

O Rex Gentium - O King of the Nations

English translation:
O King of the Nations, and their desire,
the keystone [with out the keystone the whole building collapses], who makes both [both peoples, Jewish and Gentile] One:
Come! and save man,
which from clay you have made.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

O Oriens

English translation:
O Eastern Morning Star,
splendor of eternal light and Sun of justice:
Come! and illuminate those sitting in darkness and the shadow of death.

O oriens - this reflects the early Christian practice of all facing the same way to pray, even during Mass, to pray towards the East, the direction from which the Lord will come. They in joy prayed for his coming and showed this in their posture. This is why in the old days the priest who face the same way as the people during Mass (hence incidently he would have his back to them).

Monday, December 20, 2010

O Clavis - O Key

English translation:
O Key of David, and scepter of the House of Israel;
who opens and no one can shut;
who shuts and no one can open:
Come! and lead the prisoners from the prison [of sin],
and thos who sit in darkness and the shadow of death.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

O Radix - O Root

English translation:
O Root of Jesse, who stands as a sign among the people;
before whom the kings stand speechless,
whom the Gentiles shall seek,
Come! to liberate us, and do not delay!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

O Adonai - O Lord!

English translation:
O Lord, and leader of the House of Israel!
who to Moses in the fire fo the bush appeared,
and to him on Sinai gave the law:
Come and redeem us with an out-stretched arm!

Friday, December 17, 2010

O Sapientia - O Wisdom!

During these last days before Christmas the Church sings and prays that the Messiah will come. We great him with these songs. At evening prayer for centuries these great "O Antiphons" were sung. Most of you are probably more familar with them than what you think - since these are the basis for the great hymn, "O Come, o come Emmanuel!" Each antiphon along with each verse of "O come, o come Emmanuel," is a specific title of Christ.

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas...

Its beginning to feel a lot like Christmas here in Rome. It is not just that classes are off for the next three weeks. Nor is it the annual tradition of the Mexican seminarians at the Gregorian filling a pinata with candy and cigarettes for the other students to break (a fine Roman Christmas custom? - perhaps not). It is that Rome is actually frozen. Yes, frozen. This is a rare thing for southern Italy, even in the winter. Here are some pictures of the fountain in the courtyard of the North American College. It even threatens to snow. Snow! With lots of people travelling please send up a prayer that everyone will be safe and delays will not be too bad.