Thursday, July 31, 2008

Pro-choice or Pro-abortion?

This is from a blog called: The thoughts of a Regular Guy, and I have bolded what seemed most relavent.
A veritable regiment of Catholic liberals have been campaigning on-line for Catholic pro-lifers to understand their position that just because they are "pro-choice," or oppose a government ban on abortion, doesn't make them "pro-abortion."They tell us that they believe that abortion cannot be ended by outlawing it. That instead, they believe that we must win "hearts and minds," that abortion must be fought by keeping it legal and dissuading those in the position of seeking abortions.

If this describes you, I've good news for you: I understand your position.You're lying.

It's possible that you're lying to yourselves. But you are certainly lying to the rest of us. You would never consider being "pro-choice" on torture. You would not tolerate someone who was "pro-choice" on racial discrimination. You do not honor those (like Stephen Douglas) who were "pro-choice" on slavery. You do not repect those who are "pro-choice" about unjsut war. You don't believe in allowing states to be "pro-choice" on capital punishment.You're certainly not "pro-choice" regarding rape, murder, kidnapping, wife-beating, carjacking, lynching of blacks or gays, political graft, corporate corruption, or bank robbery.

None of those things are tolerable in a free society, and you support and agree with the laws that forbid them. If I were to advocate the legalization of any of those things, you would rightly think me a supporter of them.

But abortion? You're comfortable with abortion. You're quite content that abortion is championed by your political heroes. It gives you not even the slightest pause. You've spent the last six months arguing whether Hillary Clinton was better than Barack Obama or vice versa, without the slightest consideration that they are the two most prominent and ardent supporters of the killing of innocents in the world today. You don't give a shit about that.

Nearly 50 million innocents have been lost to abortion in the U.S., and your primary effort as Catholics is to do your utmost to distract Catholics from their efforts to fight abortion. You don't pray rosaries at abortion clinics, you don't write about the evils of abortion in your columns, blogs and websites, and you certainly don't trouble yourself to vote against candidates who support abortion rights. No, you tell people that they cannot oppose abortion in their way, but only in your way. And what's your way of opposing abortion? Doing nothing other than telling pro-lifers not to fight abortion, as though nothing can be done at all unless everyone adopts your ineffectual methods.

As Archbishop Naumann recently wrote, if every Catholic Democrat in America objected to the pro-abortion plank in the Democratic Party platform, it would change tomorrow. But there is no credible effort in the Democratic Party to eliminate the pro-abortion plank. You pretend to care about something called "reducing the number of abortions", but you intentionally pretend that abortion is caused by poverty (as though rich people don't seek abortions), or a lack of sex education (as though contraceptive use prevents abortion). And you ignore the fact that the unborn human life is a human, with human dignity, with human rights, and that to be content to only "reduce the number" of instances in which their lives are cruelly snuffed out is to ignore and even deny their personhood. That you would not take such a tack with any other evil, betrays your willful support for abortion -- for the burning with acid, for the chopping up and removal of fetuses piecemeal, for suctioning brains out of skulls of almost-born babies, and even for withholding medical care for the survivors of abortion.

There is no proportionate reason to support the pro-abortion candidates put forth by the Democratic Party. You have swallowed abortion whole, digested it, and made it part of your being. Perhaps you say that you don't support Obama because of his position on abortion, but in spite of it. And that makes it OK. Bullshit. Obama's position on abortion would repel anyone who was taught by the Church about human dignity, who had not made themselves a willing participant in the culture of death.

And then you lie to the world that you are a good and faithful Catholic. You may even believe your lies yourself. But I do not. And I cannot imagine that Our Lord will be fooled come the day of your judgment.I pray you repent before it's too late for you.