Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Answering to a higher call.

Imagine being the only minor league play of the year to get the much sought after 30-30 record? Imagine having the realistic prospect of fulfilling your childhood dream and actually playing for the pro's? It is even the team that you loved when you were a kid that is interested in you. Just waiting for the call?

Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to introduce to you Mr. Grant Desme. He is just the man I have been describing. What a story: Grant did receive the call to show up for spring training with the Oakland A's, but instead he answered a different (and higher) call. He will be joining the Norbertines of St. Michael Abbey in California to become a Catholic priest. Talk about dedication. Read the story for youself: A's MVP Desme Retires for Priesthood

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