Sunday, May 20, 2007

Man, Am I Tired.

The last week of finals really drained me. This is surprising since I do not usually get tired out with academic work and my finals load was not really all that hard. It has been one of those rich weeks though looking back on it. It is hard to believe everything that has gone on in the last seven days.
Tuesday was great -- going into the great all American city of Chicago to get my Italian VISA. I am a country bumpkin through and through, but I love walking the streets of cities and just being with people. It will be my last visit to Chicago in awhile, and it was nice to just have the walk down Adams street, up Michigan and across the bridge to the Italian Consulate.

It was also a great taste of Italian buecracy inaction (lack of action). What I think is draining is that do to this schedule I have missed my "hour of power" for three days in a row, and that is just wiping me out.

I was actually very happy when I went to Marytown for confession on Thursday night and I had to wait in line for over an hour. Just an hour to think, and reflect.

It was a treasure. Today was the ordination for the great archdiocese of Chicago at Holy Name Cathedral. Jesus now has thirteen new priests to serve him. Praise be the LORD, now and forever.

"Jesus Christ, A priest forever, like Melchizedek, Offered Break and Wine."

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