Arch-basilica of the Most Holy Savior, and Saint John the Baptist and John the Evangelist, Ecumenical Mother Church of the Whole Inhabited World

Facade of Saint John Lateran, in the orange building next door is the office for the cause of the canonization of Venerable Servant of God John Paul II, if you stop in they will give you great holy cards
This probably seems like an excessively grand title, since this church on the far side of Rome is often skipped by religious tourists. When you come to Rome though please pay it a visit. The significance of this church is that it was the first church dedicated in the whole world. Before this Christians were forced to worship in their homes due to persecutions. At times they might have been able to build a hall for worship, but never before this a church.
The interior of Saint John Lateran, the table of the Last Supper can be found to the left of the main altar, the skull of Saint Paul is in the canopy above the main altar, the bapistry can be found by exiting through the door to the right of the main altar and walking to the octangal building to your left, and the most precious treasure of them all can be found half-way down the farthest left aisle (the Blessed Sacrament chapel)
As such this church is actually much higher ranking than Saint Peter in the Vatican and the Hagia Sophia in Istanbul. It is the “parish church” of the Pope since this is where He fulfills His function as the Bishop of Rome. Since He is the Universal Pastor, in many ways this church can serve as a parish church for all Catholics and all Christians. Here you will find the table used at the Last Supper, the head of Saint Paul, and the baptismal font where Constantine was baptized. Near by you can climb the “Sante Scale,” the stairs that Christ climbed in Pontius Pilates house (usually you climb on your knees), and down the viale you will find the church of the Holy Cross where the instruments of Christ’s passion are kept.
Holy pilgrims climbing the Sante Scale to have a bodily reminder so that their hearts may be closer to the heart of the Lord.
Come for a visit, and hopefully you find here a spiritual home – a place where all Christians can be gathered to pray to the one God.

Come for a visit, and hopefully you find here a spiritual home – a place where all Christians can be gathered to pray to the one God.
What was done here, as these walls were rising, is reproduced when we bring together those who believe in Christ. For, by believing they are hewn out, as it were, from mountains and forests, like stones and timber; but by catechizing, baptism and instruction they are, as it were, shaped, squared and planed by the hands of the workers and artisans. Nevertheless, they do not make a house for the Lord until they are fitted together through love (St. Augustine, Sermon 36).
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