Thursday, October 22, 2009

Before school began...

So I arrived in Rome on September 17, and classes did not begin until October 12. So what have I been doing in the mean time? Vacation. Not really, or not like any other vacation like I have had before.

The three weeks in between arrival and the beginning of classes have really been quite busy. Much busier than it normally is, so much so that know that classes have begun, it feels like this is a bit of a break!
Can you find me? (I will give you a clue I am wearing white on top of black).
NAC ordination prayer vigil the night before diaconate ordination
There were three main occupation during the three weeks before school:
(1) Pastoral work-shops: practical courses at the college on pastoral counseling, preaching, and Hispanic ministry
(2) A week long silent retreat (perhaps more on this at a later date)
(3) and the nacho grande of it all: the Ordination to the Order of the Deacon of thirty men from the North American College.
This last may not seem that significant, after all I was not the one getting ordained -- but I was the head master of ceremonies for it. That is quite a bit of work. It was good though. Each day started early: prayer and Mass, than hours of pastoral work-shops (of course broken up by coffee breaks), and than a few hours each day of prep-work for the ordination. Each day I felt like I was on my game. While I was busy, and while I was working hard, it was a very good experience.
I like being all that busy -- each day at Mass as the altar is being prepared -- the linen (the shroud) being unfolded and on it are placed the bread and the wine. To this wine a drop of water, and there is when I join my offering to the sacrifice of the Mass -- I offer you Lord this day... with all its works, prayers, joys and sufferings. Each day, while I was working hard and going to bed so tired, each day I felt that I had something to add to that sacrifice.

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