Wednesday, October 21, 2009

I remember it vaguely... (biking in Rome)

I remember it vaguely... Fr. Ben Sember was leaving to return to the States permentently, and I think he gave me a bike, but that was almost two years ago. Well it turned out he did give me a bike, and it laid un-used for most of last year. Mark Payton, a class mate, brought it back to my attention. Wow -- I have a bike! Honestly, I never really forgot this, but was some what scared to take the bike out into Roman traffic (anyone who has experienced Roman traffic will completely understand this). Well...
Not me, biking in Rome
Well... it was time to bite the bullet. It was really busy the week before classes were beginning and I had to go to the Angelicum to actually registrar for classes. Usually this is a forty minute walk one way trip. This is also an experience of Italian bureaucracy (read: at a minimum one hour of waiting in line, just to find out where to wait in line again... well you get the idea). So I was looking at a minimum of a two hour and twenty minutes. We are all busy. I am a busy seminarian. I just don't have time for that. So time to hop onto the bike.
It was great. Not only did I make it there and back, and some how managed to registar all in under an hour, but the experience of riding in Rome is great. I have made it a point to mostly bike to classes now. Forty minute one way walk? - not any more. Now a quick and simple nine minute commute. So next time you end up in Rome, see Saint Peters and hope onto one of the rentalable red bikes.

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