Saturday, December 19, 2009

Three Saints "on-deck"

Today the Holy Father signed a number of decrees confirming that men and women put forward for consideration did in fact live a life of heroic virtue. This moves all one step closer to being declared saints. What is needed are confirmed miracles. Please pray for there intercession that these three holy men can be raised to the altars quickly.

Venerable Pius XII, Victor over the Fascists
The first one was a surprise to everyone. There was not even the splinter of a rumor that B-16 was about to declare Pope Pius XII to be venerable. Some have even commented that the Pope's own private secretary did not know. (Which would not surprise me). This gives me great joy, since history has maligned this Holy Man, and I have a personal devotion to him.

Venerable John Paul II, Victor over the Communists
The second was much anticipated, and expected: Pope John Paul II is now considered to be venerable. Above is his first communion picture. In conversation with George Weigel once, I asked if he thought Benedict would put Pius XII and John Paul II on parallel tracks. Dr. Weigel thought no. It is not often I am right, when Dr. Weigel and I disagree.

The last one is Fr. Jerzy (George) Popielouszko (pictured above). He was martyred by the Polish Communist in 1984. To declare him Venerable on the same day as John Paul II, who did so much to end Communism in Europe, must make both smile in heaven.

One last picture of Pius XII

1 comment:

Essay said...

Thank you for sharing, I like it worth reading.