Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rowing in the same direction?

In the interesting of reporting news about the culture war between the culture of life and the culture of death let's consider the following:

It has made news recently that President Obama has lifted the restriction on federal money going to embryonic stem cell research, despite ethical concerns and the practical limits of using embryonic stem cells for future treatments. Not really surprising since he promised he would on the campaign trail.

What made a lot less fan-fare in the news was on the same day President Obama also Rescinded Executive Order 13435 of June 20, 2007. This order explicitly directed government funds to other areas of stem cell research. This would include umbilical cord stem cells and adult stem cells. This area of stem cell research offers much promise, including a number of medical treatments that are already in place. In addition there are no major ethical concerns with this field of research.

In short: No matter which canidate you supported during the election, we all can agree on the usefullness of supporting forms of stem-cell research that do not kill human beings in the embryonic stage. This is a point in which unity is found.

So to anyone who would like to comment: What is President Obama's motive for this?

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