Monday, March 23, 2009

Ever hear the joke about the Polish Pope...

Ever here the joke about the Polish Pope, who thought he could conquer the Iron curtain with no divisions, no armoryies, just simply real CHRISTIAN HOPE?

Well folks its no joke, John Paul II really did conquer the Iron Curtain.

It looks like B-16 (da Bomber if you will) is looking to repeat the performance in Africa:
Media missing 'true story' of Pope advancing hope in Africa, local leaders say (CNA)
Just like Pope Wojtyla was not recognized when the walls literally came tumbling down in Poland and across eastern Europe in 1991-2, but has since been recognized for being decisive (as some historians say) in this process, I think the same case perhaps can be made for Africa. Just a thought...

Papa Wojtyla knew a simple truth, history is not changed by "being popular," but be attracting people to the "splendor of truth." Benedict is not popular in the mainstream media, and perhaps this is the best sign for the long term.

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