Stats for Day one:
Start: San Pedro de Rubiaes, Portugal
Destination: Tui
Length: 20 kilometers (12 1/2 miles)
Description: Cross the River Coura to the pass at St. Bento Da Porta Aberta and descend to the valley of the Minho. Cobbled lanes give way to roads leading into Valenca. Walk down to the River Minho and cross by Eiffel's Puente Internacional (where we will cross from Portugal into Spain). Continue following the yellow arrows along urban 'lanes' to the cathedral.
A simple practical question that some of may be asking: "Okay, you are walking from town to town. It doesn't matter if it is raining or if that beautiful sun is shining. But where do you sleep at night?"
Well, pilgrims have been making this journey for centuries. It has become part of the culture in this region to care for pilgrims. Many of the local parished have adopted it as a "special ministry." As a result in almost every town there are pilgrim refuges. There is a picture of one above and to the left.
What is more important than the physical shelter is the generosity that flows from a charitable heart. The people that live along these routes have become known for there generosity and hospitality, and I hope challenge me to become more generous and charitable myself. After all the current Pope reminds us in Deus Caritas Est, that God is love, so the more we love, the more we resemble God.
Please keep me in prayer.
Please pray for me.
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