Saturday, April 11, 2009

Camino Day 5: Pontevedra to Caldas de Reis

Stats: Pontevedra to Caldas de Reis (23 k, 14 miles)
Destionation: Caldas de Reis (no description was found of this town)
Description: Through the city of Pontevedra,crossing the 'old' Burgo bridge to continue through a long well wooded valley bordered by the railway. After 6k the camino enters an area of mixed farmland and small plots and follows a cross country route parallel with the N550 until the immediate outskirts of Caldas De Reis.
Why walk? Simple Jesus walked every where. Besides boats (and we can't expect him to walk on water [hey wait a minute we can], the only vehicle that Jesus used during his public ministry were his own two feet. There is only one exception - PALM SUNDAY - when he was entering Jerusalem as a king to mount his throne. He was the king of peace, since he rode in on a lowly mule, instead of the war horse; and his throne of glory was the cross.
While I desire to be like Christ, since a priest is an alter Christus (another Christ), I know that I am not ready to rid in on the donkey, so I will take the walking.
Saint James of Compostela...
...Pray for us.

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